Involved in the team since 1996, Chris began as a volunteer on the Tumut Fragmentation Study. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Resource and Environmental Management) from The Australian National University and Bachelor of Finance and Administration (UNE). In 1998 he commenced full time employment with David Lindenmayer to assist in the establishment of the Nanangroe project, which he later managed. From 1999 until 2001 Chris spent his summers managing the Victorian Central Highlands project, where he managed local and Earthwatch volunteers to monitor the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum. From 2001 Chris managed the Nanangroe project, the Tumut fragmentation study and assisted with the establishment of the south-west slopes restoration study. In 2003 Chris had a 'sea change' and moved to Jervis Bay NSW to establish and manage the long-term research at Booderee National Park. Since 2003 Chris has worked extensively on research on the effects of fire on fauna in the park. He is highly experienced in a wide range of fauna and vegetation survey techniques, and his primary research interest is birds and small to medium sized mammals. In 2014, Chris co-authored a book “Booderee National Park – The Jewel of Jervis Bay” which describes the Park, its species, management efforts and the detailed research undertaken there by The Australian National University researchers. Chris highly values working as part of a dynamic, engaging group of dedicated and passionate ecologists